Saturday, May 10, 2008

Do i not have a right to be angry?

First off having brought a mug FOR MYSELF last week, i decided not to use it till mothersday seeing as it is my present and yet twice since last week adricks friend HAS used this cup.. out of all the cups in the cupboard he had to use the one that says "awesome mum"? wtf why couldn't he just use a normal cup? seeing as all he was drinking was orange juice >.<


and the second reason im pissed off is because i woke up this morning with my house dirty!! freaking hell, i have it clean, go to sleep and wake up to it a mess.. how the fuck does that work? but thats not the end of it.. my mum was suppose to be here today but thankfully she isnt seeing as the house is suppose to be SPOTLESS!! but oh no, the laundry had a computer in it, smoke butts all over the laundry floor and yet we dont smoke? the washing hadnt been done and so i got the shits.. i cleaned it up and now my laundry is spotless and perfect BUUUUUUt i still had the problem of adrick being "recording in the laundry" again and so i was all fuck this and i ALSO cleaned the computer room.. i moved a giant queen sized mattress (with adricks help), moved tvs, tables, other junk and cleaned the floor !! perfect, there was cans, bottles and junk EVERYWHERE but now it looks like a proper family room :D im happy, we are going to move the tv box and playstation 2, dvd player and video player in there so it becomes the other tv room and with the table and adrick recording computer in the corner it looks like it belongs there :D im finally happy with how my house looks even though ive still got to do alot of things to just tidy up a bit.. it just feels really good.. i cant wait for monday for thats when we get pay tv (its going in the lounge and thats why the tv box that only has free tv goes in thaaar) and yeah :D im so happy PRAISE me

tehehe and right now.. jaidee is totally being like a budgie and playing with the little girl in the mirror?

anyway thats it pretty much
oh wait noooooo.. i forgot to mention my finger :( i have a blood blister all thanks to Jaidees damn highchair buckle.. it hurts :(

and yeah thats all for now :D

oh wait..

and to everyone elses mothers <3

1 comment:

Reya said...

Yes, you have the right to be angry!! WTF D: Start bitching at people, I'm serious. They're in YOUR house, they don't need to be walking ALL OVER YOU. Rawr. Imma smack a male-ho up >.<