Monday, May 12, 2008

Boots with the fur; A walker, Mothersday and Paid tv!

Since im a boring, lazy and hard on time sod.. i shall update and then run.. take note they are just quick updates :P

Mothersday was a blast, i went to bed semi-late and then got woken up at 12pm by adrick.. he had brought my breakfast in bed WITH my awesome mum mug AND put on the business of born the doco so i could watch.. it obviously rocked :D i had fun.

Saturday to Monday was me pretty much waiting for my mum to come.. she took her damn time but now she is in town with all the dogs and Nathan :D.. its awesome, we are looking after daisy now and we have austar.. mwahaha paid tv for the win.. OHHHHH and am so going to borrow mums camera to take more photos of the mug, Jaidee, Daisy, Jaidees walker and me of course.

Today we finally got austar ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNND a walker for jaidee, it was an impulsive idea that adrick thankfully went along with !! she is absolutely loving it.. shes smacking the buttons and waddling around somehwat.. awwwwwww <333 she is sooo cute with her feeties touching the ground.

Stardust is an awesome movie.

I must remind myself to get a bed for Daisy ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNND to pay bills x_x the walker me thinks is a bad impulsive buy but at the same time good.. we had to get one.. we just had too

and now i must think about whether or not we should let adricks mate Russel board here but first.. i must go watch awesome telly



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