Thursday, April 24, 2008


my second post.. saddly enough im just going to vent seeing as im fed up, im angered at the fact i try and do something right and yet i just get blasterd for it.

Tonight at 9pm after a grumpy daughter finally settled, i decided to let her sleep for an hour seeing as extra tiredness overcomed the poor thing and it was a perfect time to get some cleaning done so sleep would be less stressful on me.. but oh no, it shall never be like that for me seeing as adrick cant accept me doing it on my own.

This all started when i decided to leave him TWO chores seeing as i do everything else with out his help, but ahhh his "movie making" talents was to come first? wtf, all i asked while he was fooling around with his program was "could you do the dishes soon? will you be doing the washing tonight" .. i repeated these a few times and i got an okay but not much more.. after almost dying under a fallen queen sized mattress i thought fuck it and did the dishes myself.. he then came out and started bitching saying i was annoying because i kept asking and that i always bug him when is doing important things.. i reminded him that keeping the house clean was important but apprently thats a 'need' rather then a want and he didnt like doing jobs and blah blah.. he ended up having a fight and i was reminded that im stupid and thick and i never listen and shit.. it just reminds me how miserable iam.. i hate this, i hate this even more when my uterus feels like im getting attacked by a knife, i have no idea why im hurting but it has been this way since we started fighting.. i havent felt like this since the time at 12 weeks pregnant with jaidee when i began bleeding.

Oh but thats not it.. adrick just told me that his mate and him will be using my LAUNDRY room as a recording room, and they will be working in there from 9 to 5 every weekday? wtf since when has my laundry room been a computer room? this is the 5th day that ive had a computer on my washing room.. this is the first time in 5 days that ive been able to wash my clothes? excuse me but why dont you JUST USE THE ROOM I 'LET' YOU TWO HAVE? the one in the house that is vacant and never used apart from the fact it has a lounge, bed and shit in.. i hate that my laundry is now a computer room.. its fucked up and yet because you think just because this is our house and we dont have to have rules that you can push the limits and put a damn computer in a LAUNDRY room just because you want to? even though i said i dont want that?
oh yes i remember, like you pointed out during the fight "i dont own you and your not my property" so what ever i want or say doesnt matter

oh fuck me you peice of crap

iam now done >.<

damn this fucking pain

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