Saturday, April 26, 2008

The stalker strikes again

I havent told anyone this.. hell i havent even told my mum. The only people that know are adrick and i and thats saying something coming from me "the person who shares everything.. even stories about her period".. and so its hard for me to actually tell you guys this let alone write it and so lets start from the beginning

A couple weeks ago (i think 2 or 3), adrick went out to walk to his friends house while i stayed home hoping to have a night to talk on msn.. but no this didnt happen seeing as i received a call, it was from one of those 1800 REVERSE calls that people use to call other people and the person you are calling gets charged for the call.. well as i answered i accepted the price of the call thinking it was adrick and so with "hello?" all i got was a wolf whistle and then another before then i hanged up.. they rang again.. this time it was a "i want to fuck you kara" in a horsy deep voice, i refused to answer any more after this but my awnsering machine picked up there messages.. thankfully after 10 calls or so adrick got home, i showed him the messages and we left it at that as they rang no more..

we though nothing more either but as soon as it started it continued and through out the weeks we have gotten calls that we pick up and they hang up.. thats not bad right?

well it wasnt right up till the phone rining two hours ago, adrick answered.. and the 1800 reverse lady did her 'thang' "you have a 1800 reverse call from 'i love you kara'" (this time the voice was more low and deep and i swear to god there must be two of them but adrick thinks its the same person).. adrick hanged up, they continued to ring with the same message and the same call

im honestly freaking, we have no idea who they are and seeing as im not a person people, it has to be someone we know.. a friend? ive never been so scared in my life and im honestly near tears.. i want my mum :( i want these people to stop.. i hate this

im thinking about asking my mum to come sooner.. i mean i need some support :(

Adricks heaps of support but he cant cover the "i want my mummy" part of me BUT he has vowed to ass rape the person doing it and honestly thats good enuff for me :3

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