Wednesday, July 23, 2008

aww omg updates

jaidee has this new thing with the cat

when she is playing on the floor, romeo tends to flock, rather walk past her and then sits just infront so she spots him and goes all `jewjew` and then starts crawling after him hoping to catch him.. when she does, she then pulls his fur and cuddles him somewhat before then just bashing him

all while doing this she repeats `jewjew` xD haha its hilarious

also i must add that jaidee won the compition and came first place.. we finally got the prize today and it means now we can get prof pics done for her 1st birthday!!! im excited!!

i must update more later but for now lets just add that she now says `mama`, `dada`, `baba`, `jewjew` and `popa`!! thanks to my dad lol, she also claps her hands while you sing `clap hands popa comes, with a pocket full of plums.. all for jaidee` annnnnd CRAWLS properly

she has twooooo teeth and eats 3 times a day without fail

she loves fruit custards/jelly and is starting to eat wheatbix

my little girl also loves her new lion toy thing which she sits on and jumps along to the music LMAO


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