Monday, May 5, 2008


my mum came down unexpectedly on friday night!! she lent me her camera to take a mob of pictures before then stealing it off of me sunday to go back home ;__; she is coming down in a week to bring it back so i can use it more and to also bring down my austar box so i get free paid tv.. mwaahhahaha enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kara these pictures are SO adorable. Jaidee looks so georgous and you look stunningly beautiful as always (damnit it, i wanna be skinny like you xP)

I'm still making inquiries to come visit asap, just gotta work it around my stupid Centerlink dates and crap.

All in all lovely pictures. I love the one of you holding Jaidee and she's sitting there smiling. And the family picture (Adrick, Jaidee and you) is a lovely picture too.