Sunday, May 25, 2008

Jd totally rocks the sunnies!

SO tooooday was suppose to be something simple filled with nothing but waiting for adrick to get home but ooooooh nooooo me and my big head decided that i should venture down town (walking all the way with adro) and so after a fuss of getting myself and Jaidee ready, we headed on the hour walk.. we thankfully made it and i didnt be a sook at all!!! BE PROUD OF ME!!

i walked down town and Jaidee was an angel

so after getting there and discovering that centrelink had a makeover and getting all that shit out of the way, we walked down the town street thing, noticing on the sign THAT THE CIRCUS IS COMING TO TOWN SOMETIME IN MAY!! damn you steffie, p.s i apologise for not linkin you, so i did and you are oh okay nowz <33, so then walking through blockbuster and noticing the new Day of the dead was out (we r downloading it as we speak).. we then needed to dwaddle our way around for half an hour to an hour.. in all honestly i wanted to walk back home and skip catching a ride with shelley as i had energy still but adrick didnt want to walk, so we were all 'lawlz lets go to supacheap /toilets' and so changing what we do, i walked into supacheap while dricka went to the toilet.. we then continued dwaddling being all 'gah we just wanna go home' BUT DAMN, it was then that the taxi driver we became friends with offers to give us a lift, after being all 'are u sure? it wont be to much outta the way?", he was all its fine and we ended up catching a lift and getting home an hour and half earlier :) the ride was awkward, especially when he was all "i live on west side" thats like the opposite direction where we lived lol but he didnt seem to mind.. he had his daughter with him btw but regardless.. it was very kind of him and so we are home now :P

i did ring shelley when i got home and told her not to bother on the picking up and giving rides home and she just laughed and was all 'its okay' that horrible lady D:

so yeah.. home and safe, im updating this thing with our awesome journey i enjoyed, before ending with a picture or two of Jaidee n i!! tehhe

but i shall post later i suppose :D

btw, Beowulf is an awesome movie.. well from what i saw seeing as i fell asleep at the end lawlz, but i shall watch it again soon.. i loved it :D

well i was going to leave my blog there buuuuuuuuuuut adrick reminded me of yesterday :D

we had an awesome day, taking Jd, daisy, hector and Russell down to the beach so they could run freeee.. well i mean the dogs running free while adrick, russell, jaidee and i chilled on the seats before then heading off home an hour later, the walk was awesome and the day just pretty much kicked ass seeing as Jaidee has been going to sleep around 11pm and waking up 11 the next day

we are going to try and get her to sleep from 9 to 9 eventually but yet.. its still good thought seeing as im up before 1pm :P

tehehe yeah thats all for now

update laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaater

mucho loves

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I already told you, but Jd is so friggin cute. And the picture of her on your shoulder's is awesome.

I know, I should have told you I had ze blogg. But alas I was sick and asleep for most of the weekend past.
Also I dind't know the circus was comin to Port Agutta or else I'd have stayed with em ):

I am linking you to mine now xD

<33 luff for you.