Wednesday, April 30, 2008

because i cant be stuffed typing it out atm

cowardly cowardly custard says:
cowardly cowardly custard says:
the saddest thing happened today
.{Reya}. We have the fossils. We win. says:
cowardly cowardly custard says:
cowardly cowardly custard says:
we just got down town
cowardly cowardly custard says:
like totally ready to do the shopping
cowardly cowardly custard says:
got out the taxi
cowardly cowardly custard says:
and was putting jaidee in the pram
cowardly cowardly custard says:
but then

cowardly cowardly custard says:
she started SCREAMING
cowardly cowardly custard says:
like i havent heard the screams before
.{Reya}. We have the fossils. We win. says:
cowardly cowardly custard says:
and she was so fucking loud
cowardly cowardly custard says:
it was a warehouse.. huge
cowardly cowardly custard says:
and she continued to scream
cowardly cowardly custard says:
im like"lets just walk her.. shell be fine" but she continued to scream
cowardly cowardly custard says:
and tears running down her face
.{Reya}. We have the fossils. We win. says:
WTH man! D:
cowardly cowardly custard says:
everytime adrick talked she got worse
cowardly cowardly custard says:
D: and then im like 'fuck this" and we decided to take her to the changing room
cowardly cowardly custard says:
to check to see if she had bites or what not
cowardly cowardly custard says:
D: to calm down and collect our thoughts
cowardly cowardly custard says:
we were freaking
cowardly cowardly custard says:
we got there and discovered her finger was swollen and bleeding D:
.{Reya}. We have the fossils. We win. says:
O_____O Oh no, something in the pram got her D:
cowardly cowardly custard says:
the pram top must have pinched her when adrick put her in, i put the thing down.. she was holding on to it i think (its her new thing) but we didnt know that
cowardly cowardly custard says:
anyway she stopped crying and we took her straight to the drs
cowardly cowardly custard says:
she was fine.. it was just shock and the pain D:
but omg
cowardly cowardly custard says:
my poor baby
cowardly cowardly custard says:
it was awful.. the tears, teh screaming.. her little finger was red and her skin was like kinda off and there was blood D:
.{Reya}. We have the fossils. We win. says:
Ohhhhhh D: D: D: -huggles- Poor jaidee and momma and papa
.{Reya}. We have the fossils. We win. says:
How's she feeling now?
cowardly cowardly custard says:
when she first started crying i thought it was because she was tired as we have beentrying a new sleep thing

shes find now.. happy as fuck D: it was just back then
cowardly cowardly custard says:
ive been feeling horrible for her all day ;__;
.{Reya}. We have the fossils. We win. says:
): She probably won't even remember it the next time she wakes up <333
cowardly cowardly custard says:
lol hopefully.. she had a HUUUUUUUUGE sleep when we got home..
;__; i just feel bad.. her finger is fine looking now but its like still all icky like
.{Reya}. We have the fossils. We win. says:
She didn't make that cry at like vaccinations time? Dear god Danny had his on Monday and I've NEVER heard him scream like that. My heart broke ):
cowardly cowardly custard says:
nope this was the worse i heard her cry

i think she thought adrick did it
so it was like 'omfg betreyal' scream
cowardly cowardly custard says:
awwwwwwwwww howd he go?? D:
cowardly cowardly custard says:
poor thing


Anonymous said...

Poor miss Jaidee --hug-- What a horrible experience for the little one. I'm glad she's ok, it's the worst to see them hurting. Maybe she sensed my bad car juju (see my blog for details since you missed it all yesterday).

Make sure you hug her close for me.

OH! And ... where did you get the proud {teenage} mom graphic? Didja make it?

Anonymous said...

You rock!